
Download Free 3D Model Monoprice Maker Select V2.1 Hot Bed Cable Bracket 3D Print Model

This is a bracket to help keep the hot bed wires from bending and hitting the build plate. It also keeps the wires low and away from a rear mounted part cooler when the extruder is near the rear of the build plate. The bracket is designed to work with the RepRap Champion Y Carriage Plate Upgrade for the Monoprice Maker Select / Wanhao Duplicator i3.
To install:
Place the bracket between the Y-carriage plate and the hot bed with the clips pointing down, near the hot bed wires. Hook the clip on the outside of the Y-carriage plate and slowly lift the end until the other clip clicks into place inside the Y-carriage plate cutout. It’s a tight fit so some trimming may be needed. Once the bracket is in place, lay the hot bed wires on top of it and use a small zip tie and the provide holes to secure them in place. Make sure the eyelet of the zip tie is on the upper side of the bracket to keep it from hitting the frame.
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0.2 Infill:

Categories:   3D Print Models, All 3D Models, Free 3D Models

Formats: stl


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