
Download Free 3D Model Replacement Oven Dial Knob 3D Print Model

I get really attached to my kitchen items. Each one has been carefully chosen at the time of purchase to fulfill a specific purpose and my heart breaks when, after decades of use, a small part either disappears or just craps out, rendering the whole thing unusable.
Well, I’m not gonna let that happen to my beloved Toastmaster toaster oven, doggone it! So, the timer knob popped off and never really fit on again. So, I pulled out the calipers, dusted off the ol’ 3D printer and came up with this thing. Fits perfectly. Lovely, even.
If you found this useful, it would bring me great joy to see your work – so be sure to share. 🙂
Or, better yet, please feel free to dump a bitcoin or two here (you can spare a bitcoin, can’t ya?):
… include a note to the effect of “Hi 3E8, thanks for the Toastmaster dial thing… my life is infinitely better on account of it and please accept this paltry amount in gratitude”.
You’re welcome! (in advance) 😀
Also, feel free to peruse my other submissions which are almost as varied as they are many:

Categories:   3D Print Models, All 3D Models, Free 3D Models

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