Download Free 3D Model Tamiya Rising Fighter Upper Body / Spoiler Mount (Part D3) 3D Print Model
So my son’s Tamiya Rising Fighter lost out in a bike vs. r/c car collision and cracked the part where the upper body and spoiler mount to the chassis (part D3). Tried to get a replacement but was not available anywhere (Tamiya or online) except in the UK. So I did my best to design a replacement in Tinkercad.
Not sure if this is a common part to break no the car as this was kind of a strange accident but thought I would post in case someone else is in a similar situation.
Print Settings
Doesn’t Matter
I used ABS since I had some. I think PLA would work too but might not be as durable especially as you take the body off which screws into the piece. Best bet would probably be nylon but I didn’t have any so ABS it is.
Supports are needed given the shape. I use a brim when printing with ABS as I seem to get less issues with warping. Also, glue stick works really nice with ABS and allows for the part to be removed fairly easily.
I you want a really professional print you could order this through Shapeways which could be printed in nylon.
Categories: 3D Print Models, All 3D Models, Free 3D Models
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