
Download Free 3D Model Garthim Warrior 3D Print Model

Deep within the castle of the Crystal in the world of Thar, the curl and twisted Skekis took control and slowly drained the world around them. As dark and wicked as these creatures were, what they created within the bowels of the castle, would go on to spared terror and destruction for many years. The Garthim solders, were the main enforcers of the Skekis’s will.These imposing figures were not only built for strength but for speeds as well. Massive, unyielding, merciless, virtually indestructible, and always in vast numbers, these monsters would aid their masters in ravaging the land and leaving little in the wake, and whatever or who ever they didn’t destroy they often captured and dragged back with them to the castle, never to be seen or heard from again.
I was actually shocked when I realized that no one had tried to created a 3D print of these guys yet. I grew up with a weird relationship with them and loved to fear them, which later turned into a fascination. This model was based of of some still images and some original concept art made by Brain Froud. I also got some inspiration from this much better version by SeithCG (which you should totally check out).

San Sebastian Round

This first version still has a few issues to work out with the legs but it still stands by itself. Hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.
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print at a slow speed and use as little supports for the lower legs as possible.

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