
Download Free 3D Model Vesa Spacer 100mmX100mm 3D Print Model

Basically I needed a spacer that was more than just tubes. So I drew this up using free cad. Its easy to make it different thicknesses just turn off uniform scaling and move the z up and down as you need.
feel free to remix. Its a bit of a long print and uses some plastic. I needed it to be structurally substantial not just a spacer.
Having all 4 hole connected made installing it a lot easier than if you have for separate tubes.
Print Settings
Printer Brand:
Wanhao Printer:
Wanhao Duplicator i3 V2 Rafts:
No Supports:
No Resolution:
what every you feel like. I did 0.2 Infill:
50% more than that takes a long time. Notes:
The resolution walls and infill are all up to you it really doesn’t matter for successful print. What matter is where and how you are going to use it.
I did 4 walls, 50% infill, @ 0.2. My printer struggles with 0.3
How I Designed This
Free cad
this one is simple. The spec is 100 x 100 mm on center.
1 Make a square that is 120 x 120 mm and center it on the X Y plain
2 Place holes 100 x 100 MM centered on x Y plain.
3 Pocket square I think 80 X 80 or maybe 90 x 90
4 Fillet inside corners and outside corners 10 mm fillets.

Categories:   3D Print Models, All 3D Models, Free 3D Models

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Formats: stl


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