
Download Free 3D Model T-Rex Skeleton fixed and printable 3D Print Model

MakerBot’s T-Rex Skeleton is a masterpiece. Too bad the designed refused to fix some quite obvious shortcomings. I made the following fixes to make the model printable:
–Fixed tail parts A and B. Both original parts, particularly B, were broken at the second piece. It made B utterly unprintable and A very fragile, if printable. I solidified both parts.
–Separate arms, tails and all ribs. These tall and thin parts are high risk prints to begin with. Printing multiples at a time makes it almost certain to fail. In fact the nozzle moving from part to part is the biggest danger. In addition, the frequent retraction makes the parts (if successfully printed) very poor quality. Printing individually is the way to go.
–Extracted the neck H clip and merged it into the H clip file.
Printing note:
–Only left arm and ribs are included. Mirror them to print the right counterparts.
–Use 8mm of brim is strongly recommended for all parts except the H clips.
–You need very strong bed adhesion. On my Prusa i3 MK2S, the naked bed simply doesn’t offer enough adhesion. The glue stick worked occasionally but mostly not. My best friend is Aqua Net Super Hold hairspray. It is great because 1) adhesion is stronger than ever and not a single peel off; 2) after removing the parts you don’t need to do anything but can just go on printing the next part. Don’t buy at Amazon. It’s sold for only $3 at Walgreens!
–For think parts such as ribs and tail and maybe arms, be sure to slow down to 50% or so to allow it to cool.
Happy printing!

Categories:   3D Print Models, All 3D Models, Free 3D Models

Formats: stl


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