
Download 3D Model Prismatic 3-view Display Signage 3D Model

The Prismatic Display Sign is a traditional mechanical three-view sign that is seen in public areas on streets around the world. This product can be used to deliver advertising or announcement-aesthetics to players inside a game or 3D virtual world made in Unreal Engine 4.A rendition of the popular sign is now available from Oclanay that can be used in outdoor scenery for games or simulated urban environments. The sign can be fully customized with random images and may be linked to external websites when users look directly at the sign and trigger a button or gaze for a few seconds.The sign is streamlined for speed and efficiency as with all our product offerings, and many instances of the sign can be used to deliver advertisements or announcements in any virtual environment.This product is part of our display asset suite which include outdoor advertising.

Categories:   3D Models, All 3D Models

Formats: fbx


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