NSM Mobile Communication Center 3D Model - 3DHunt.co

Download 3D Model NSM Mobile Communication Center 3D Model

The Naval Strike Missile (NSM) is an anti-ship and land-attack missile developed by the Norwegian company Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace (KDA).In June 2013 Poland completed the Coastal Missile Division equipped with 12 NSM and 23 vehicles on Jelcz chassis (inc. six launchers, two TRS-15C radars, six fire control and three command vehicles). Ultimately, the Coastal Missile Division will be equipped with 12 launchers carrying four missiles each for a total of 48 missiles. In December 2014 Poland ordered a second batch of launchers and missiles to equip a Naval Strike Missile battalion.MCC (Mobile Communication Center) of the Polish Navy NSM coastal battery

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Formats: max2009 3ds fbx obj


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