
Download 3D Model Model pack AT 3D Model

A single collection of architectural elements in one style. Models belong to the category of Lowpoly and can be used to create games.2K textures created in Substance Painter 2.Include 3 type of textures:base color,normal,occlusion roughness metallicIf someone needs files for UE4, then write to me, I will add a scene with all the objects for the same price.MDL – middleGRD – gradeS – simpleM – mediumBRK – breackSLP – slopingEND – endHRZ – horizontalVRT – vertical1 antablementMDL2_AT2 antambleGRD_AT3 antambleGRD2_AT4 antambleMDL_AT5 antambleMDL_BRK_AT6 antambleMDLS_AT7 beamHRZ_AT8 beamVRT_AT9 blockBRK1_AT10 blockBRK2_AT11 blockBRK3_AT12 blockSLP_AT13 columnM_AT14 columnS_AT15 corniceEND_AT16corniceEND_BRK_AT17 corniceMDL_AT18 floor_AT19 floor2_AT20 roof_AT21 skate_AT22 timpan_AT23 timpanBRK_AT24 wallEND_AT25 wallEND1_AT26 wallMDL_AT27 wallMDL1_ATAdded free item for reference.For a detailed inspection visit this site:

Categories:   3D Models, All 3D Models

Formats: png fbx fbx png blend fbx obj


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