
Download 3D Model Ramphastos toco 3D Model

Toucan (Ramphastos toco)RENDER READY!This model has been modeled with a clean topology based on quads and loops. All High Resolution Textures (4096X4096) including the following maps:Diffuse, AmbientOcclusion, NormalMap and Roughness.Fully Rigged!The rigg uses Physics.Morphs and PositionMorphs included! For Beack, Tongue(Lift),Tongue(Bend), EyeLids, and of Course, Feathers! There is an interface in your viewport for controlling it using sliders(Look in previews)For Closing Wings there’s a saved Keyframe(Easiest way to do it) in timeline (Frame [-1]) with it(you can copy and paste everytime you want to close the wings), it’s was made using a Position Morph to postion the wings, and another position morph to close the feathers, super easy to use it.[The wings use a Position Morph to put the arms in ‘Closed’ position, and another position morph to close the feathers controllers. So if you want to close it manulally, you will have to change those 2 position morphs inside the Tag of the Rigg]This Model uses HairSystem to simulate all small feathers. It uses Dynamics, and has physicsThe Wings are composed of 3 Controllers each one, one at the tip, one at the middle and one near the torso. The wings has 2 Layers of feathers each one. Each Feather has a Jiggle effect for better realism.The Wing can close and open. The Rigg is Originally made in Cinema 4D(Preview Images).At other formats the rigg is exported from Cinema4D as FBX.Animation :FlyingCycleRender Engine Used Physical (Cinema 4d R17)The Model is SubdividableMetric unit used: Centimeters*********************First and Last Previews are to show how the model can be in a composition (Does not contains the scene)This pack includes all the following formats:.c4d (Physical).fbx.obj

Categories:   3D Models, All 3D Models

Formats: Cinema 4D R17


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