
Download 3D Model Wooden Stool 3D Model

Wooden StoolCreated in Blender 2.79Rendered in CyclesEvery file has a polygon count of 39168, and a vertices count of 39156 (except the .3ds file, with had to be triangulated to be exported; it has been subdivided 1 less times than the other files to reduce the polygons and vertices counts, leaving it with 14688 polygons and 14676 vertices).The .blend file comes with a Subdivision Surface modifier applied set to 2. This means that you can lower the quantity of vertices up to 2436 (and the polygons up to 2448), in exchange of quality.The .blend file has been manually unwrapped.Note that the only file that contains material and textures is the .blend file. For that reason, a .rar file has been attached with all the 4K textures used, in order to let you easily recreate the materials in any program that you’re using.

Categories:   3D Models, All 3D Models

Formats: 3ds png obj fbx blend


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