
Download Free 3D Model Thatched Home 4-Piece 3D Print Model

This is a small thatched house for 28mm play. It comes with 4 pieces that can be snapped together. It is purposely made of 4 components. This allows the gamer to have the home and then remove the walls or roof when entered. The walls outside have a detailed rough wood look. The floor is quite a detailed design over which the wall can be placed and then a roof. The door can be slid in and out of the opening. The roof is best done by using rafts which if possible should only be used for the lower portion to allow the lid feature to fit into the walls. The thatched roof is quite detailed with straw texturing. I just noticed that in the picture with everything assembled, I didn’t snap the walls into the floor. It fits snugger than the picture shows.
Print Settings
Printer Brand:
PowerSpec Printer:
Ultra 3D Rafts:
Yes Supports:
No Resolution:
0.2 Infill:

Categories:   3D Print Models, All 3D Models, Free 3D Models

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Formats: stl


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