
Download 3D Model Suitcase 3D model 3D Model

SuitcaseModel for TurboSmooth.Originally created with 3ds Max 2014, Vray version 3.00.03Model is ready to Render (.max files include materials, lights, camera)Scene objects are organized by layers / groupsModel is scaled to real-world size.Units used: centimeter    GEOMETRYTurboSmooth OFF    Polys   77 609    Verts    76 743TurboSmooth level 1    Polys   588 974    Verts    300 683   FILES.max 2014 version + textures .max 2011 version + textures .FBX    base mesh (not smoothed).OBJ    base mesh (not smoothed)   TEXTUREShandle_normal.png                        4096 x 4096lockpanel.png                                  4096 x 4096lockpanel_displacement.png       4096 x 4096

Categories:   3D Models, All 3D Models

Formats: 3ds Max 2014


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