
Download 3D Model Sofa 3D Model

Modeled after my own living room’s sofa.Modeled entirely in Blender 2.78 in Cycles Render.The obj, fbx, and 3ds files were exported using Blender’s software.External texture files included in a separate archive. The texture includes the original color png and bump maps for said texture (Normal, Occlusion, Displacement,and Specularity). If you have trouble with bump mapping for any reason, I implore you to check out BlenderGuru on YouTube for his tutorials on the subject. However, the mapping has already been done in the Blender project. The nodes for the material have been placed in expandable Node Groups for each mesh. The resolution for the texture pngs are 3000×3000.Note that above the armrests on both the right and the left sits an additional mesh. I needed another top mesh in order to point the lines of fabric in the proper direction (namely horizontal) without affecting the direction on the sides of the armrest. This would allow me to present the couch closer to how it looks in real life. The additional meshes on top are essentially the top faces of the original armrest meshes.There is a mixture of subdivision modifiers on most meshes. But I chose muti-resolution modifiers for the three top cushions.SPECS:Polygons: 23,454Vertices: 23,724Tris: 46,908Objects: 18If there are any questions, problems, or general concerns, please feel free to email me at

Categories:   3D Models, All 3D Models

Formats: 3ds blend fbx obj png


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