$29.00 GBP


Download 3D Model Sci Fi City 01

Sci Fi City 01. This royalty free 3D model or texture is available for download now!
A game ready low poly science fiction building asset. Provided in multiple formats with uv’s and textures.
Suitable for games but also real-time engines and any 3D visualisation.
This model only has 497 quad polygons (994 triangles) and is pure quad with no ngons.
The mesh is completely clean with verts merged, normals aligned correctly and no extraneous issues or transforms etc.
The UV’s are professionally unwrapped, non-overlapping and efficiently laid out.
Fully UV’ed and unwrapped in a single UV map for use in any render engine.
UV’s are provided in all formats that support them.
UV’s have also been unwrapped properly for each geometry piece rather than simply atlas mapped achieving a high level of efficiency for your textures and editability for custom texture work.
The model has been saved in all provided formats to open cleanly centred with the diffuse texture map applied and ready to go.
Just add the additional bonus free maps to layer and build your look.
With full attention to detail this model is ideal for advertising, architectural visualization, game engines such as Unity etc, visualisation rendering and background sets for green screen compositing.
15x texture maps provide all at 2048x2048px including
6x Diffuse Colour maps in team colours (red, teal, green, yellow, blue, magenta)
1x lumination map
1x normal map
1x bump map
1x ambient occlusion map
2x specular maps (to achieve different looks)
1x colour mask (for creating your own team colours or lumination maps including the colour, see screenshots)
All textures have been professionally produced so no seams or issues and all can be easily scaled for 2048px, 1024px, 512px, 256px etc.
Choose between bump or normal mapping, adjust your look with the ambient occlusion and choice of specular maps and even create your own team colour maps or nightime look with the colour mask map.
This model is a pure quad based fully clean model that can be easily animated or used with an instancing system for mass coverage of a set or environment scene.
You won’t be disappointed!
As a 3D Squirrel exclusive model this isn’t available anywhere else and is fully supported by our team.

Categories:   3D Models, All 3D Models

Formats: FBX (.fbx)


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