Pharmaceutical manufacturing 3D Model -

Download 3D Model Pharmaceutical manufacturing 3D Model

High quality the INSPECTION MACHINE PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURINGAutomatic visual inspection machine for ampoules. The AIM series has become the world standard in automatic inspection machines for vials and ampoules.In the scene there is an animation loops 2 tank for 45 ampoules in a circle, 2 gears and a fan on the side*- original file format – 3d max 2014**- two tanks are grouped*- to all objects and materials in a scene names are appropriated**- system units – mm*All previews rendered 3ds max Vray-3.4 realistic rendering.*Appreciate the time and trouble!Please enjoy the products and THANKS for visit. OMG3Dif you are satisfied with the model, place the rating, it is REALY IMPORTANT!

Categories:   3D Models, All 3D Models

Formats: max2011 max2014 fbx 3dm 3ds obj c4d lwo xsi stl avi


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