Download 3D Model Of the volcano Fujisan 3D Model
Creating custom 3D models of the earth’s 931 952 06 903d model of the volcano Fujisan with texture and normal mapAvailable formats upon request: .3ds,.c4d,.fbx,.stlGeographical informationWidth 22 kmHeight 22 kmScale 1:101700min elevation 800 mmax elevation 3776 mCurrent Projection(Mercator)strm 34223824.19138202 15434094.28595734203949.36969931 15454236.6372393D model parametersTexture size 16641×16641 pxObject size 220x220x37,76 smPolygons 125000Points 63001Edges 188000Memory 7.16 MB
Categories: 3D Models, All 3D Models
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