
Download 3D Model MBT T-90 A 3D Model

MBT T-90 A 3D modeldetailied and highly polygonal.It has fine 2 k PBR textures in two variantsof the carcass coloring.I`am sure that you will like it.The T-90 tank, which is an advanced T-72B tank, was adopted in 1993. The appearance of the tank is caused by the need to modernize existing models, taking into account the experience of the war in the Persian Gulf, as well as the reorientation of production to Russian components. In the middle of the T-90 there is a low flat tower with a commander’s turret shifted to the right. The frontal part of the tower is reinforced with active tile armor of the second generation. Hinged armor blocks can be mounted on the roof of the tower, creating additional protection against airborne damage.Vertcicles -1592024Polygons-1639986

Categories:   3D Models, All 3D Models

Formats: 3ds c4d dae fbx obj png


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