
Download 3D Model Mars Rover Vehicle 3D Model

A heavy vehicle, 12 meters tall and roughly 30 long, the guns can be removed easily and be left as an industrial vehicle.In the rear side it has an elevator which can be lowered this would be the only access to get in to the vehicle. I would like to mention first that the textures can be exported for whatever renderer or game engine you plan to use from SubstancePainter file* that I have uploaded on my GoogleDrive and the access will be granted as soon as you get the product. The link to download is in Supporting Items.If demanded I can export and send the textures personally in 12 hours guaranteed for any renderer including game engines.The renders are all in Unreal Engine. It has 51 2k texture maps for great fidelity,* Very important If using the Substance Painter FIle the videocard memory need to be 6Gb+ because the SP file has 51 (2k Maps which can be easy changed from SP to 1024, 4k or any other resolution up to 8k).

Categories:   3D Models, All 3D Models

Formats: Maya 2017


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