Chinese Air Force Chengdu J-20 Stealth Fighter 3D Model -

Download 3D Model Chinese Air Force Chengdu J-20 Stealth Fighter 3D Model

This model faithfully portraits the prototype stealth jet fighter J-20 from the Chinese Air Forcecreated in: 3dsmax 2009optimized for: professional system training, high end animation, and still display projects.main product format:1. max 2009 (with scanline setting). It utilizes 3dsMax’s default render engine and does not require any plug-ins.2. max 2009 (with vray setting). This file requires Vray 1.5 plugin (advanced render engine from Chaos Group).texture counts:texture types: diffusion, specular, bump mapstexture sizes: 7000×7000 etc.

Categories:   3D Models, All 3D Models

Formats: max max


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