
Download 3D Model ANCIENT RUINS [Mega Package 1-4] model 3D Model

Ancient Ruins 1, 2, 3, 4Indianna Jones style ancient ruins, winding tunnels and hallways with beautifully mapped natural textures. This can be used for inspiration when designing gaming levels and film scenes.General InfoScans made of real places with photo mapped textures on all polygons provide easy to use models in a variety of applications. Some models aren’t perfect because the scanner cannot be placed in every location but all models are to scale in the real world. The possibilities are endless when lighting, game characters, and other assets of yours are placed within, and great for Unity & Unreal Engine 4. Textures have all lighting baked into itself, simply because of the way scanning real spaces works however when used well they can really create something unique and different for you. All imagery shown is lit ‘flat’, no shaders or lights have been added so it is only the photomaps on the geometry you can see (with polygon mesh shown too). The mesh is editable and comes all in one group. The textures are contained within the model and the root folder (named accordingly to the model processing).The goal of providing these models and assets for you is use within your own game development, level design, film animatics, storyboarding, architectural design, historic study, educational use and much more.We want to be consistent and provide most 3D file types to accommodate all usage but please write us if you have any questions or need support. Best, Jamie [SPACESCAN].

Categories:   3D Models, All 3D Models

Formats: Blender 2.73


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