
Download 3D Model 3D model LG SJ9500 TV 3D Model 3D Model

LG SJ9500 TV 3D ModelI edited thumbnail images in Photoshop.- Native Format: Maya 2017- I used Arnold Renderer to render this model.- Lighting and nurbsPlanes are already set up with the model. You can delete or adjust lighting and nurbsPlanes setting.- I used aiStandard material to create ‘silver’ material. This ‘silver’ material is used in ‘Back_Screen’ & ‘Round_stand’ layer.- Lambert is also used in this model.- TRI polygons, QUAD polygons, Polygonal Ngons are used in the model. Polygonal Ngons are used in the model because I used Boolean Difference to create some details.- Each part is correctly labeled on Outliner.- It is modeled in real world scale.

Categories:   3D Models, All 3D Models

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Formats: Maya 2017


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