
Download 3D Model 3D Concrete Chunk (3D Scan) model

Processed in Reality CaptureModeled in Maya and ZBrushTexture maps generated using xNormalHighly detailed modelReal world scaleCentered on X,Y,Z axisGEOMETRY——————–Low resolution model (10,866 polys)High resolution model (173,856 polys)TEXTURES——————-Diffuse               (16384 x 16384)Normal             (4096 x 4096)Bump                (4096 x 4096)Displacement   (4096 x 4096)All texture are .tif formatIncludes V-Ray rock materialRENDERS——————-All images are RAW renders, no post-processingRenders are of the low resolution model, except 2 high resolution wireframesRendered at 1500 x 1500 with displacement on

Categories:   3D Models, All 3D Models

Formats: Maya 2016


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