Download 3D Model Modern Dining Table 02 3D Model
Game-Ready model of a modern dining table. Originally createt with Blender 2.78c and exported to multiformats. Tested in Unity5 and Unreal4.Previews are rendered with Cycles and the Filmic-Blender expansion. Renderings in the standard version of Blender can look slightly different.This product is suitable for……usage in real-time engines….interior, close-up renderings.Geometry:———————————————– Polygonal (quads only)- Vertices: 696- Faces: 654 (1308 tris when triangulated)- Modeled in real-world scale (metric)- Model is centered at origin and set to 0,0,0 world-space- UV unwrapped, overlappingFiles:———————————————-.blend- Model, PBR shader and textures included- Material and textures will apply automaticlyMultiformats (.fbx, .obj, .3ds)- Model and textures included- You may have to reapply the textures in your application.unitypackage- Model, material, textures and prefab included- Import the unitypackage file into your project and you’re ready to goTextures (PBR metallic workflow):———————————————– Albedo 2048×2048 (.png)- Metallic 2048×2048 (.png)- Roughness 2048×2048 (.png)- Normal 2048×2048 (.png)Additional textures are provided in the Texures download file.- Glossiness 2048×2048 (.png)- Normal(Y-) 2048×2048 (.png)- Heightmap 2048×2048 (.png)- Metallic/Smoothness 2048×2048 (.png)Thanks for your interest and do not forget to click on my name to see more products that might be suitable for you.
Categories: 3D Models, All 3D Models
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