
Download 3D Model Wedding ring 3 3D Model

Dear customer,this model has been made especially for further production, hence the package contains a print-ready model of a ring only.No stones or any materials are included.OBJ format is a converted from the STL file and it is provided just for your convenience.The mesh is solid with the properties of an stl-file.Please, while printing, do not forget to take into account the shortage of the metal after the casting. If needed, rescale the model on 1-5% to avoid shortages during casting or making molds.In case you need this model in other formats (3DS MAX or OBJ) or you might need to do some changes to the model, please, do not hesitate to make a request, I will be glad to be of help.

Categories:   3D Print Models, All 3D Models

Formats: stl obj


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