Download 3D Model The Gnawa 3D Model
the Gnawa 3D modelIn Morocco, the Gnawa, descendants of former black slaves from sub-Saharan Africa (Mali, Sudan, …), practice around master musicians, instrumentalists (graqeb), clairvoyants (chouaafa, rarifa), mediums and followers. Their main instrument is a lute-drum with 3 strings: the goumbri (or hajhouj). On rhythms and heady sounds, trances take place for hours. Women perform guedra (strange southern dance) in a convulsive manner. The guedra is also the name of the drum that accompanies the dance. The women crumble on the last beat of music, the body shaking with spasms. During the dance, the men jump very high and seem to walk on embers when they are on the ground. The gnawa have created an original mystico-religious musical genre, mixing dikr (invocation of Allah) and madh (panegyric songs)
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