Weapon - Gun AWM - fbx and texture and ready scene for marmoset toolbag 3D Model - 3DHunt.co

Download 3D Model Weapon – Gun AWM – fbx and texture and ready scene for marmoset toolbag 3D Model

Weapon – Gun AWM – fbx and texture and ready scene for marmoset toolbagformat files :fbx (3d mode)tga (texture)tbscene (Ready-made scene with material for software marmoset toolbag 3)keywordsweapon accesserie acog sight fbx marmoset tga gun game ready war camera guns sniper military armor assault rifles grenade launcher heavy helmet melee pistol shotgun shield Aimpoint2X Compensator CQBSS EOTech Extended Quick Mag Flash hider grip PM11 scope Reddot RMR choke Silencer Cold weapon Knife Machete Sickle cowbar pan crossbow Grenade Burning bottle M18 Smoke M67 Frag M84 Flash akm awm groza karabiner m16a4 m24 m249 m416 uzi s12k s686 s1897 scar-l sks ump9 vector vss vintorez berettam9 glock18c m1911 nagantm1895

Categories:   3D Models, All 3D Models

Formats: fbx


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