ammunition 3D Model in .MAX, .FBX, .C4D, .3DS, .STL, .OBJ, .BLEND, .DWG, .DXF -

$180.00 CANNON 380mm 3D Model

model created in sketchuprender KeyShotedges 1223380faces 517611component instances 9308grups 673component definitions 513layers 1materials 49

3ds c4d dae fbx fbx obj obj skp

$190.00 Mechanics collection 3D Model

model created in sketchuprender KeyShotelements of armored vehiclesedges 905341faces 370955component instances 8334grups 736component definitions 669layers 1materials 45

3ds c4d dae fbx fbx obj obj skp

$15.00 Bullet Mould 3D Model

BULLET MOULD===============================- Modeled in Blender.- Preview image rendered using cycles.- All scene are included in .blend files.- Poly count are…

obj blend 3ds dae blend fbx

$30.00 RGM-40 3D Model

The RGM-40 Kastet (English: Brass knuckles) grenade launcher is a stand-alone version of the Russian GP-30 grenade launcher with a…

png obj fbx max tga max

$7.00 M26 Grenade 3D Model

Game ready M26 grenade made using high to low poly baking.-DimensionsGrenade Height: 9.9cmTexture Size: 2048 x 2048-Files IncludedFBX FileOBJ FilePBR…


$16.00 Soviet military box 3D Model

High Detailed Soviet military box model with MeshSmooth modifier.- 9,876 polygons (without MeshSmooth).- 10,106 vertices (without MeshSmooth).- 45,774 polygons (with…

max2013 max2010 dwg fbx obj psd

$20.00 TT-33 3D Model

The TT-30 (Russian: 7,62-мм самозарядный пистолет Токарева образца 1930 года, translit. , 7,62 mm Samozaryadny Pistolet Tokareva obraztsa 1930 goda,…

png tga obj fbx max max

$50.00 AK-47 3D Model

The AK-47, or AK as it is officially known as the Kalashnikov, is a gas-operated, 7.62×39mm assault rifle, developed in…

max max obj fbx max png tga

$150.00 T-26 3D Model

Old Soviet tank – T-26, the model is low polygonal, rendered in Marmoset, texturing in Substance Painter

fbx fbx max max max

$6.99 Grenade F1 CIS 3D Model

Game ready model rendered in Marmoset Toolbag 2 all materials and scene included.Textures all 1024 res for PBR materials:AlbedoNormalMetalnessRoughnessAOThe Soviet…

png max 3ds blend dae fbx obj

$19.00 FN P 90 3D Model

High quality 3d model FN P-90 Project 1990 + Laser Sights & Collimator sight Texturex: 2048×2048 Normal, Diffuse, Specular

fbx max obj png

$49 Case

This 3d model is low poly and game-ready.Rendered in Marmoset Toolbag 3.Textures:    .png 4096x4096PBR metal-roughPBR spec-gloss

3ds Max 2015