Download 3D Model ADIDAS Telstar 18 Fifa World CUP ball on grass scene 3D Model
ADIDAS Telstar18 FIFA Worldcup match ball scene 3D modelmodel of offical match ball for FIFA world cup Russia 2018 – Adidas Telstar 18, including scene files with grass and backgroundHigh detailed, clean mesh, the model is subdivision ready and UV unwrapped and comes with 8k textures.FORMATS:- C4Dthere are 4 files with studio setups with lights and render setups used to render preview images- Telstar18ball.c4d ———————————- ball with studio setup and Cinema4D Physical render setup- VrayTelstar18ball.c4d —————————- ball with studio setup and Vray render setup- Telstar18ball_grass_scene.c4d —————- ball laying on grass (generated via Hair material), with studio setup and Cinema4D Physical render setup- Vray_scene_grass_Telstar18ball.c4d ——— ball laying on grass (generated via VrayFur and grass texture), with studio setup and Vray render setup* all scenes contain HDR file stored in textures, can be also found in Cinema4D library- OBJ – does not come with studio setup and materials but contains uvw mapping- FBX – does not come with studio setup but does come with basic materialTEXTURES:- diffuse.png 8192×8192- diffuseVray.png 8192×8192- diffuse_without_logo.png 8192×8192- rougness.png 8192×8192- normal.png 8192×8192- bump.png 8192×8192- metallic.png 8192×8192- metallic_transparency.png 8192×8192- background_image.png 2048×1336- grass.jpg 800×522* textures that are used throughout all filesOTHER- all scenes are modeled and rendered in CINEMA 4D R17 Studio- images in previews that have “Vray for C4D” text are rendered with VRAYforC4D 1.8.0 (Vray 2.4), all other are rendered with C4D Physical renderer- polygon number are refering to ball only
Categories: 3D Models, All 3D Models
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