Facebook Google+ Twitter $Free Monture GoPro pour Zonestar Z5MR2 3D Print Model Summary Monture GoPro pour Zonestar Z5MR2 stl
Facebook Google+ Twitter $Free Mount for dial indicator on Zonestar P802QA 3D Print Model Summary This is a mount for the newer Zonestar P802QA with the fan shroud. Just remove the 2 M3 screws… stl
Facebook Google+ Twitter $Free X Axis Ends Tronxy Zonestar P802 3D Print Model Summary Recently stumbled upon this terrific set of X-Axis ends for a P3Steel printer. (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2088585) Since the P3Steel uses the… stl
Facebook Google+ Twitter $Free Zonestar P802QR2 Simple X Belt 3D Print Model Summary Furos adaptados para parafusos de 4,8mm ( o buraco têm cerca de 5,0mm) Usei arruela e porcas do lado… stl