Facebook Google+ Twitter $29.00 Hockey puck 3D Model Units: CentimetersOnly poligons with 4 sidesStandart V-ray materialTextures: 2048×2048 pixels, format .pngCreated in 3ds max 2012, saved to 3ds max… fbx max2010 obj
Facebook Google+ Twitter $29.00 Hockey goal stick 3D Model Units: CentimetersOnly poligons with 4 sidesStandart V-ray materialTextures: 2048×2048 pixels, format .pngCreated in 3ds max 2012, saved to 3ds max… max2010
Facebook Google+ Twitter $59.00 Curling collection 3D Model High quality the INSPECTION MACHINE PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURINGAutomatic visual inspection machine for ampoules. The AIM series has become the world standard… max2014 max2011 3ds fbx obj stl fbx png