Facebook Google+ Twitter $5.00 Craters 3D Model moon nasa space satellite photo real lunar global planet craters mars high-quality crater earth surface sand procedural photoreal gravity interstellar 3ds fbx max obj
Facebook Google+ Twitter $5.00 File Cabinet 3D Model Metal File Cabinet model in Blender. Procedural PBR textures.Maps: – Albedo- Metallic- Height- Roughness- Normal stl obj dae fbx stl blend 3ds
Facebook Google+ Twitter $50.00 12 Rock Formations Pack 3D Model This is a pack of 12 rock formations, PBR game-ready, with 3 LODs available for each one.Software:Originally created with Blender… png png obj unitypacka blend blend blend 3ds dae fbx
Facebook Google+ Twitter $1 Unreal white bumpy material 3D Model This is a procedural bumpy material for unreal game engine. It could be used for shelf, drawer, table, or fridge… Unreal 4.12