The model include gtlf meshes too. Follow me on nexus to see this models on game (fallout /skyrim)
Mesh format is psk and gltfPd if u see pics of this models in game follow me on nexus
The MQ-1B Armed Predator is a variant of the RQ-1 Predator that was modified to be able to accomplish a…
3ds c4d fbx lwo max
3ds c4d fbx lwo max
Tiger Shark is a high quality, photo real model that will enhance detail and realism to any of your rendering…
3ds fbx max mb obj
3ds fbx max mb obj
Hello everyone, I present you a model of an American-made dronesThe model is prepared for animation, all points of rotation…
max jpg
max jpg
A beautiful model of a fantasy eagle bird.The model created with Maya 2014 using scaneline render so no plugin required…
c4d max mb obj fbx
c4d max mb obj fbx
The model was created in Blender and rendered with Cycles and IRay Render.This model has 5 materials:- Head- Leg_1- Leg_2-…
obj 3ds fbx png blend
obj 3ds fbx png blend
A beautiful model of a fantasy cartoon monster.The model created with Maya 2014 using scaneline render so no plugin required…
c4d fbx max mb obj
c4d fbx max mb obj
A beautiful 3d model of a fantasy ghost monster animal.The model created with Maya 2014 using scaneline render so no…
fbx obj mb max
fbx obj mb max
A beautiful model of a fantasy monster animal.The model created with Maya 2014 using scaneline render so no plugin required…
c4d fbx max mb obj
c4d fbx max mb obj
A beautiful model of a fantasy wild monster animal.The model created with Maya 2014 using scaneline render so no plugin…
c4d fbx max ma obj
c4d fbx max ma obj
A Game Ready animal – PBR readyWolf rendered in Maya with Arnold 4 with PBR textures.Package contains:————————-Maya scene(.ma)—————————–a) File with…
png ma ma
png ma ma
Rigged model of a Siamotyrannus isanensis.Poly: 7,676Vertex: 7,443in subdivision level 04096×4096 JPG TextureInclude Diffuse,Normal,AO and Curvature
fbx max obj
fbx max obj
Rigged model of a Siamosaurus SuthithorniPoly: 10,604Vertex: 9,580in subdivision level 04096×4096 JPG TextureInclude Diffuse and Normal
fbx max obj
fbx max obj
Model formats:- *.max 3ds Max 2011- *.obj Multi FormatTexture:- tyrannosaurus_diffuse.tga (4096×4096)- tyrannosaurus_specular.tga (4096×4096)- tyrannosaurus_normal.tga (4096×4096)
max obj tga
max obj tga
Here is game ready low poly fantasy 3d model of warrior dragon.This model is not rigged.All textures and material are…
mb max fbx c4d obj
mb max fbx c4d obj
Here is game ready low poly fantasy 3d model of dinosaur velociraptor.This model is not rigged.All textures and material are…
mb max fbx c4d obj
mb max fbx c4d obj
The 3D model was created on real base. It’s created accurately, in real units of measurement, qualitatively and maximally close…
max2008 jpg max2008 obj mb85 3ds c4d fbx lwo
max2008 jpg max2008 obj mb85 3ds c4d fbx lwo
Model formats:- *.max (3ds Max)- *.max (3ds max vray )- *.fbx (Multi Format )- *.obj (Multi Format)- *.3ds (Multi Format)-…
Great White Shark, game ready.Levels of Detail: 15.052 triangles4096x4096 texture maps:• Albedo• Normal• Ambient Occlusion• SpecularFull RigComplete swim loop sequence…
The scene includes original mesh with full Modifiers History.Different 4K bitmaps including diffuse, specular, bump and displacement.The model has edge-loops…
dae fbx max mb obj
dae fbx max mb obj
Modelled : 3ds Max 2016Rendered : 3ds Max 2016 – Vray 3.40Files :.fbx.obj.mtl.stl(c) 3D_SB 2018Model is original scale (1/1)But it…
obj fbx stl
obj fbx stl
5 piece dinosaurs(LOW POLY. UW MAPPED)Tyrannosaurus Rex, Ceratosaurus, Dilophosaurus, Phorynchus, Styracosaurussome of models are triangulatedinclude max(2015), fbx, obj and stl…
hdr max2015
hdr max2015
5 piece dinosaurs(LOW POLY. UW MAPPED)Giganotosaurus, Spinosaurus, Stegosaurus, Stygimoloch, Tupandactylussome of models are triangulatedinclude max(2015), fbx, obj and stl filesinclude…
max hdr
max hdr
5 piece dinosaurs(LOW POLY. UW MAPPED)Tyrannosaurus Rex, Apatosaurus, Feathered Raptor, Parasaurolophus, Pteranodonsome of models are triangulatedinclude max(2015), fbx, obj and…
mb2015 hdr
mb2015 hdr
5 piece dinosaurs(LOW POLY. UW MAPPED)Tyrannosaurus Rex, Brachiosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Prestosuchus, Pteranodonsome of models are triangulatedinclude max(2015), fbx, obj and stl…
max2015 hdr
max2015 hdr
5 piece dinosaurs(LOW POLY. UW MAPPED)Tyrannosaurus Rex , Cryolophosaurus, Raptor, Stegosaurus, Triceratopssome of models are triangulatedinclude max(2015), fbx, obj and…
max2015 hdr
max2015 hdr
5 piece dinosaurs(LOW POLY. UW MAPPED)some of models are triangulatedinclude max(2015), fbx, obj and stl filesinclude HDRI
max2015 hdr
max2015 hdr
6 piece dinosaurs(LOW POLY. UW MAPPED)some of models are triangulatedinclude max(2015), fbx, obj and stl filesinclude HDRI
max2015 hdr
max2015 hdr
6 piece dinosaurs(LOW POLY. UW MAPPED)some of models are triangulatedinclude max(2015), fbx, obj and stl filesinclude HDRI
max2015 hdr
max2015 hdr
pendant panthertriangles 212573points 105762model for printing on a 3d printer.panther consists from the parts is convenient for printing and further…
Tyrannosaurus dinosaur 3D print modelTyrannosaurus dinosaur
jewellery ring croc 3D print modelring size-17.3mm18k-15.45g14k-14.0g
Modelled : 3ds Max 2013 – ZBrush 4R6Rendered : 3ds Max 2013 – Vray 2.30Files : .max (2010, 2011, 2012,…
max2013 max2010 max2011
max2013 max2010 max2011
Modelled : 3ds Max 2013 – ZBrush 4R6Rendered : 3ds Max 2013 – Vray 2.30Files : .max (2010, 2011, 2012,…
max2013 max2010 max2011 max2012 png
max2013 max2010 max2011 max2012 png
Modelled : 3ds Max 2013 – ZBrush 4R6Rendered : 3ds Max 2013 – Vray 2.30Files : .max (2010, 2011, 2012,…
max2011 max2013 max2010 jpg obj fbx max2012
max2011 max2013 max2010 jpg obj fbx max2012
Modelled : 3ds Max 2013 – ZBrush 4R6Rendered : 3ds Max 2013 – Vray 2.30Files : .max (2010, 2011, 2012,…
max2013 max2010 max2011 max2012 fbx obj jpg
max2013 max2010 max2011 max2012 fbx obj jpg
Modelled : 3ds Max 2013Rendered : 3ds Max 2013 – Vray 2.30Files : .max (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013).fbx.obj.mtland textures(c) 3D_SB…
max2013 max2010 max2011 max2012 fbx obj jpg
max2013 max2010 max2011 max2012 fbx obj jpg
Modelled : 3ds Max 2013 – ZBrush 4R6Rendered : 3ds Max 2013 – Vray 2.30Files : .max (2010, 2011, 2012,…
max2013 max2010 max2011 max2012 fbx obj jpg
max2013 max2010 max2011 max2012 fbx obj jpg
Modelled : 3ds Max 2013Rendered : 3ds Max 2013 – Vray 2.30Files : .max (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013).fbx.obj.mtland texture(c) 3D_SB…
max2013 max2010 max2011 max2012 fbx obj jpg
max2013 max2010 max2011 max2012 fbx obj jpg
Summary Referenced from Injustice 2 Predator Batman’s costume, I modelled this logo. This could be sharp and dangerous, and not…
Eagle ring 3D print modelEagle ring 3d modelthis model created in Zbrush and have polygonal geometry
Eagle ring 3D print model packEagle ring 3d model packthis model created in Zbrush and have polygonal geometry
Eagle ring 3D print model packEagle ring 3d model packthis model created in Zbrush and have polygonal geometry
Eagle ring 3D print modelEagle ring 3D print modelEagle ring 3d modelthis model created in Zbrush and have polygonal geometry
Game ready realistic white shark.Model has edge loop based topology.All materials & textures are included.Included Textures are: Color Map, Normal…
obj c4d fbx max mb
obj c4d fbx max mb
Game ready realistic shark.Model has edge loop based topology.All materials & textures are included.Included Textures are: Color Map, Normal Map,…
obj c4d fbx max mb
obj c4d fbx max mb
Animated Great White Shark. The scene includes original mesh with full Modifiers History.Different 4K bitmaps including diffuse, specular and displacement.…
fbx max mb obj png
fbx max mb obj png
Eagle ring 3D print model packEagle ring 3d model packthis model created in Zbrush and have polygonal geometry
stl stl
stl stl
Eagle ring 3D print modelEagle ring 3d modelthis model created in Zbrush and have polygonal geometry
Eagle ring 3D print modelEagle ring 3d modelthis model created in Zbrush and have polygonal geometry
Game ready pangolin.Model has edge loop based topology.All materials & textures are included.Included Textures are: Color Map, Normal Map, Specular…
obj c4d fbx max mb
obj c4d fbx max mb
Game ready realistic moray fish.Model has edge loop based topology.All materials & textures are included.Included Textures are: Color Map, Normal…
obj c4d fbx max mb
obj c4d fbx max mb
Game ready fantasy raptor dinosaur.Model has edge loop based topology.All materials & textures are included.Included Textures are: Color Map, Normal…
obj c4d fbx max mb
obj c4d fbx max mb
There is no way to hunt Predator !?but now you can 3Dprint your own
Predator Head TrophySubscribe for more…
Game Ready Fantasy Bull Monster.Model has edge loop based topology.All materials & textures are included.Included Textures are: Color Map, Normal…
fbx max mb c4d obj
fbx max mb c4d obj
Jagdtiger Hunting II Tiger 2 Panzer Tank destroyer Jagdpanzer German WW2 WWII Nazi Wehrmacht deutsches reich vehicle SD KFZ 186…
3ds fbx max obj
3ds fbx max obj
Jagdtiger Hunting II Tiger 2 Panzer Tank destroyer Jagdpanzer German WW2 WWII Nazi Wehrmacht deutsches reich vehicle SD KFZ 186…
3ds fbx max obj
3ds fbx max obj
Jagdtiger Hunting II Tiger 2 Panzer Tank destroyer Jagdpanzer German WW2 WWII Nazi Wehrmacht deutsches reich vehicle SD KFZ 186…
3ds fbx max obj
3ds fbx max obj
Jagdtiger Hunting II Tiger 2 Panzer Tank destroyer Jagdpanzer German WW2 WWII Nazi Wehrmacht deutsches reich vehicle SD KFZ 186…
3ds fbx max obj
3ds fbx max obj
Game Ready Fantasy Monster Dragon.Model has edge loop based topology.All materials & textures are included.Included Textures are: Color Map, Alpha…
mb obj c4d fbx max
mb obj c4d fbx max
Game Ready Fantasy Monster Dragon.Model has edge loop based topology.All materials & textures are included.Included Textures are: Color Map, Alpha…
obj c4d fbx max mb
obj c4d fbx max mb
Jagdtiger Hunting II Tiger 2 Panzer Tank destroyer Jagdpanzer German WW2 WWII Nazi Wehrmacht deutsches reich vehicle SD KFZ 186…
3ds fbx max obj
3ds fbx max obj
T-Rex Head 3D model for printSculpted in Zbrush 4R7.Checked for errors.File contains one mesh object with 649 666 polygons.Available formats…
wrl obj fbx stl
wrl obj fbx stl
The 3D model was created on real base. It’s created accurately, in real units of measurement, qualitatively and maximally close…
png obj lwo fbx c4d max2008 max2008 mb85 3ds
png obj lwo fbx c4d max2008 max2008 mb85 3ds
Model of rigged white sharkCreated in Zbrush and 3ds Max 2015.Features-Model is separated to two groups, Shark body and eyes…
Model of detailed rigged orca.Originaly modeld with Zbrush 4r7Features-Model is completly unwrapped-Lowpoly model-Rigged with skin and bones tool-Layered scene (controls,lights,mode,rigg)-Optimal…
The 3D model was created on real base. It’s created accurately, in real units of measurement, qualitatively and maximally close…
3ds c4d fbx lwo mb85 obj max2008 max2008
3ds c4d fbx lwo mb85 obj max2008 max2008
– Photorealistic Locket.- Executed in 3d max 2009.- All textures and materials needed for the rendering found in the archive.-Gamma…
max2009 fbx obj stl
max2009 fbx obj stl
Crocodile Rigged Animated****************************Format :Maya 2014FBXOBJ****************************Poly count:Polys : 4093Verts : 3227****************************Features:- The crocodile is rigged.- The animation include attack animation.- The…
fbx mb obj avi
fbx mb obj avi
Eagle Rigged Animated****************************Format :Maya 2014FBXOBJ****************************Poly count:Polys : 1460Verts : 1728****************************Features:- The eagle is rigged.- The animation include fly cycle animation.-…
fbx mb obj
fbx mb obj
High poly wolf head.File contains one manifold mesh object.Meters was used as measure units. It is about 88 cm in…
stl obj fbx blend 3ds blend stl obj fbx
stl obj fbx blend 3ds blend stl obj fbx
SU-85 Soviet Trophy Hunting Panzer Tank destroyer Jagdpanzer German WW2 WWII Nazi Wehrmacht deutsches reich vehicle predator war game games
fbx max obj
fbx max obj
SU-85 Soviet Trophy Hunting Panzer Tank destroyer Jagdpanzer German WW2 WWII Nazi Wehrmacht deutsches reich vehicle predator razorback razor back…
3ds fbx max obj
3ds fbx max obj
Modelled in BlenderTextured in Substance PainterRendered in Marmoset toolbag—————————————————–Great White Shark:Verts: 5 564Polys: 5 482 (Tris: 10 964) Shark:Verts: 8…
blend blend blend blend
blend blend blend blend
Scifi Frigate Predator Star Wars battle ship fi frigate game home world lowpoly ready rts sci scifi ship space spacecraft…
3ds fbx max obj
3ds fbx max obj
Here is the high detailed realistic 3d model of Hammerhead Shark.The model has perfect edge loop based topology with quad…
max fbx c4d mb obj
max fbx c4d mb obj
Here is the 3d Model of Realistic Dinosaur Tyrannosaurus. Model has perfect edge loop based topology.All Materials and Textures are…
c4d fbx max mb obj
c4d fbx max mb obj
Here is the 3d Model of Cartoon Shark. Model has perfect edge loop based topology.All Materials and Textures are included…
c4d fbx max mb obj
c4d fbx max mb obj
Here is the Realistic 3d Model of Shark. Model has perfect edge loop based topology.All Materials and Textures are included…
c4d fbx max mb obj
c4d fbx max mb obj
tyrannosaurus rex for Maya 2018Complete with color map*********************************File Formats:- Maya 2018- 3ds Max 2016- FBX (include texture)-OBJ*********************************
x ma
x ma
Star Wars sci-fi opeeseakiller opee sea killer Deep sea fish Ocean pacific atlantic Angler Vicious Teeth reptillian carnivor predator piranha
3ds fbx max obj
3ds fbx max obj