Facebook Google+ Twitter $35.00 Post-apocalyptic room 3D Model 3D model of an abandoned room after apocalypse, it is very useful for in-game scenes.Modeled in Maya 2018Rendered with V-ray… fbx mb
Facebook Google+ Twitter $5.00 Low-polygon hand model 3D Model Low-polygon hand model in a post-apocalyptic style games and other projects jpg obj max 3ds fbx blend jpg
Facebook Google+ Twitter $16.00 Trash Can 3D Model Trash can in a techno style for real-time. Game-ready low-poly 3d-model, for games in sci-fi and post-apocalyptic campaign setting.Format:Autodesk 3ds… obj max2011 fbx mb2014
Facebook Google+ Twitter $199 3D Abandoned Hotel with Ivy model 3D Model This abandoned hotel fits perfectly into every end time city scene and can be used for close up’s as well… Maya 2016/17
Facebook Google+ Twitter $59 Kriss Vector Here You can see the model in 3d: https://skfb.ly/67z9UThe model was made in may 2017, its native format – *… Maya 2017