max2011 fbx obj jpg
Ficus LyrataFicus treesFicus Robusta treeFicus elastica
max2011 fbx obj jpg
max2011 fbx obj jpg
Collection plantsbromelia bromeliaficus lyrata Ficus lyrate.Palm Palmbushesflowers
jpg obj fbx max2011
jpg obj fbx max2011
Pots west elmfrangipani – frangipaniplumeria – Plumeriafrangipani treeFicus lyrate – ficus lyrataBanana palm – banana palmDracaena – DracaenaBamboo TreesBamboo
max2011 fbx obj jpg
max2011 fbx obj jpg
plant collection Ficus treesFicus plant collectionFicus Lyrata Trees collectionSansevieriasansevieria cylindricaclay pots
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max2011 fbx obj jpg
Ficus plant collectionFicus Lyrata Trees collection
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Collection of tropical plantsDracaenabromeliaBamboo Treesficus lyrata
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Tropical plant shrubsyoung coconut treeravenala madagascariensisbanana palm, banana bush, bananaficus lyrata
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max2011 fbx obj jpg
Collection plantsplants in the basketrattanficus lyrataasplenium
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Collection plantsCycasficus lyrataBanana palm, banana bush, bananaCyperus alternifoliusspathiphyllum
max2011 fbx obj jpg
max2011 fbx obj jpg
format 3D max file 2014 minimum- v-ray material- standard material- .obj and .fbx format- v-ray version 3.2.03- 2 texture of…
3ds Max 2014
3ds Max 2014
Collection plantspalm.asplenium.ficus lyrata.sansevieria cylindricaMonstera
max2011 fbx obj jpg
max2011 fbx obj jpg
Collection plantsCycasficus lyratabrahea edulisSansevieria cylindrica
max2011 obj jpg
max2011 obj jpg
Highly detailed model of plants Archive contains 3ds max 2014 3ds max 2011 OBJ Texture
3ds Max 2014
3ds Max 2014
Highly detailed model of ficus lyrata. Archive contains 3ds max 2014 3ds max 2011 OBJ Texture
3ds Max 2014
3ds Max 2014