gambling 3D Model in .MAX, .FBX, .C4D, .3DS, .STL, .OBJ, .BLEND, .DWG, .DXF -

$30.00 Dice cup 3D Model

dice cup for Maya 2018Complete with color map*********************************File Formats:- Maya 2018- 3ds Max 2018- FBX (include texture)-OBJ*********************************


$59.00 Casino Interior 3D Model

High quality polygonal model – correctly scaled accurate representation of the original objects.-The objects and materials are logically named for…

3ds c4d fbx lwo max obj 3dm xsi ma

$19.00 Dice 3D Model

Modelled : 3ds Max 2013Rendered : 3ds Max 2013 – Vray 2.30Files : .max (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013).fbx.obj.mtland Background Texture(c)…

max2013 max2010 max2011 max2012 fbx obj jpg

$15.00 Mahjong 3D Model

mahjong !The most popular gambling game in China!-FEATURES– Native format is 3DS Max 2012- Fully textured、- include 42 mahjong brand…


$20.00 Poker Rigg 3D Model

Poker Rigg.Cinema 4D rigged model.-Rigged-Real world scale-Excelent for close-up shots-Ready to render, no pluginsRIGG OPTIONSCARD DECK RIGG-Flip Deck: backface-Cards Count:…

obj c4d 3ds fbx png

$50.00 Casino Table 3D Model

Casino Table for Maya 2014Complete with color map*********************************File Formats:- Maya 2014- 3ds Max 2014- FBX (include texture)-OBJ*********************************

png ma

$1 Dice 3D Model

File Formats:- 3ds Max 2017 Scanline scene with standard materials- 3ds Max 2014 Scanline scene with standard materials- OBJ- FBX

3ds Max 2014