Facebook Google+ Twitter $5.00 Edge stone 3D Model A board or stone for limit the way or plantarea. Come with normalmap difusemap and specularmap. It´s lowpoly.Mekes with much… 3ds dae fbx png blend obj x
Facebook Google+ Twitter $Free Small Bathroom Rack, Round Edges 3D Print Model Summary Small bathroom rack with holes in it to keep things dry and prevent mold from forming. This one is… stl
Facebook Google+ Twitter $7.00 Copper Heart Key 3D Model Slightly worn copper heart key.- 2K Unity 5 texture maps: Albedo, Metallic Smoothness, Normal- 2K Unreal Packed: Base Color, Occlusion/Roughness/Metallic,… obj fbx fbx obj jpg jpg jpg jpg
Facebook Google+ Twitter $19 E3D – Samsung DEX Station model 3D Model This pack:Element 3D V2.2 ( All colors )models preset easy to use- 1 file OBJ High poly- 1 file OBJ… 3ds Max 2012