palm tree png formatyou can use it as a tree object for post productioning and etc….
Pots west elmbrahea edulis – bracheabismarckia – bismarckiaChamaerops palm – HameoropsDate palm.Date palm.Phoenix dactyliferathrinax radiata
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Collection of tropical plantsHowea Forsteriana PalmRavenalaDate palm
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palm tree desert arab date sahara plant exterior nature envirenment achitecture africa algeria egypt saudi arabia emirates decoration fruit
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3ds fbx max obj
Skagen Stainless Steel Brown Leather Watch.Models ready to render in Cycles, native to Blender3dBlender file includes lightingOther files contain setup…
Blender 2.75.5
Blender 2.75.5
Realistic model watches in three colors.modeled to real-world scale (mm)All materials and objects are properly named scene includes only the…
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