Facebook Google+ Twitter $Free Realacc X210 CAM MOUNT Eachine C800T CCD 3D Print Model Summary As the standard Realacc X210 Frame cant hold CCD cameras I came up with a solution. This is a… stl
Facebook Google+ Twitter $14.00 Six-axis manipulator 3D Model With a CCD to grab the six-axis manipulator, the six-axis machine is equipped with the following device: 1. CCD module,… iges sldprt step
Facebook Google+ Twitter $14.00 Three-axis screw rod module 3D Model The gantry mobile module, which is directly mounted on the aluminum profile, includes the X-axis module, the Y-axis module and… iges step sldprt
Facebook Google+ Twitter $13.00 XYZ axis fine-tuning handle 3D Model XYZ axis fine-tuning handle, the fine-tuning mechanism by homemade bolt structure, through the digital display device can accurately show the… step iges sldprt