
$39.00 Pool balls 3D Model

Units: CentimetersOnly poligons with 4 sidesStandart V-ray materialTextures: 2048×2048 pixels, format .pngCreated in 3ds max 2012, saved to 3ds max…


$89.00 Sport Balls 3D Model

Units: CentimetersOnly poligons with 4 sidesStandart V-ray materialTextures: Diffuse / Specular / Glossiness / Normal MapTextures: 2048×2048 pixels, format .pngCreated…

max2010 max2010 fbx obj

$15.00 Snowman 3D Model

3D Model of a SnowmanModel created in Blender 2.78a. Rendered with Cycles Render________________________________________________________________________________________The product contains the following files:- Blender file…

blend fbx obj dae jpg

$7.00 Bearing 3D Model

High detailed 7 ball bearing.Width -.275″/7mm, Outside Dia -.865″/22mm, Inner Dia. -.311″/8mmFile formats: .lxo .obj .lwo .dae .fbxModo built in…

lxo obj lwo dae fbx

$17.00 Billiard 3D Model

Nice billiard table with accessories- balls, cues, chalk, triangleAfter subdivide 250k polygons – optimal resolutionWith all textures.BLENDER

3ds blend dae fbx max stl ply obj png max