Facebook Google+ Twitter $35.00 Church Asset Pack V2 3D Model Church Asset Pack V2 that was created in Blender. This is a remake of my first church asset pack. It… 3ds dae fbx obj png
Facebook Google+ Twitter $7.00 Church Altar V2 3D Model Church altar that was created in Blender. This is a remake altar of the altar in my previous church asset… 3ds dae fbx obj png
Facebook Google+ Twitter $18.00 DC Altar 3D Model Altar room design 3d scene3Dsmax 2012Vray 3.2Photoshop fbx max2012
Facebook Google+ Twitter $16.00 Altar 3D Model Altar room design 3d scene3Dsmax 2009Vray 1.5Photoshop mb2009
Facebook Google+ Twitter $16.00 Altar 3D Model Altar room design 3d scene3Dsmax 2009Vray 1.5Photoshop max2009
Facebook Google+ Twitter $18.00 Reading room 3D Model Readingroom design 3D scene3Dsmax 2009Vray 1.5Photoshop max2009
Facebook Google+ Twitter $18.00 Altar room 3D Model Asian Altar room 3D scene3Dsmax 2009Vray 1.5Photoshop max2009 fbx
Facebook Google+ Twitter $12.00 Low Detail Church Asset Pack 3D Model Low Detail Church Asset Pack low-poly 3d model ready for Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), games and other real-time… fbx
Facebook Google+ Twitter $20 3D Altar, Table sacred 3D Model Altar for games, animation, rendering, composting.Already with textures and UV Mapping.
Facebook Google+ Twitter $198 Japanese Shinto Shrine 3D Model Japanese Shinto shrine (Jinja) textures included Maya 2017
Facebook Google+ Twitter $15.00 Wine jar 3D Model This is an ancient Chinese wine altar. Use 3dmax2014 production, vray rendering, provide a variety of formats to download the… jpg ma fbx obj max max
Facebook Google+ Twitter $17 Ancient ruins altar building 3D scene model 3D model 3D Model Ancient ruins altar building 3D scene modelThere are three versions of the file format: 3DSMAX2014 format 3DSMAX2011 format OBJ format 3ds Max 2014
Facebook Google+ Twitter $6 3D model Old altar Low poly stone altar with included 2k textures:_diffuse_normal_ao_specular
Facebook Google+ Twitter $Free Sword In Stone Free 3D Model Scene consisting of a sword in a stone on an altar, with a shield leaned against it. Models may be… mb2016 obj fbx