
$5.00 Anvil 3D Model

Anvil and Sledgehammer blacksmith smith forge iron medieval metal steel gothic vray sledge hammer mallet hardware industry

3ds fbx max obj

$5.00 Hammer 3D Model

Fiberglass Hammer Stanley sledgehammer industrial tool mallet blunt demolition construction weapon work handle equipment home workshop garage

3ds fbx max obj

$8.00 Hammer 3D Model

Hammer tool876 trisreal world scale4096x4096 maps for UE4(PBR)4096×4096 maps for Unity(PBR)4096×4096 maps for Vrayall textures in PNG formattested in Unityrendered…

fbx max png

$5 Hammer 3D Model

Game-ready, PBR, UV-unwrapped, Textured hammer 3D Model, with PBR materials, textures, and non overlapping UV Layout map provided in the…

Blender 2.77